Some couples, like us, aren't as fortunate. A lot of couples suffering with infertility can't afford to continue treatment, IVF, or adoption. It's not that simple for some. It's not fair couples who really want a baby have to pay THOUSANDS of dollars for treatments that may not even work. I hope the next time you think about asking, "When are you going to have a baby?" you consider that some couples just simply can't. It gets to be too overwhelming. All of the pressure, doctors, treatments. You feel like you don't fit in anywhere.
Our life has taken a new turn. We have moved on from the thought of trying to have children. I mean, we are going on year 5 of ttc. It's exhausting! We are focusing on US and having fun. I haven't felt this much peace in my life in a very long time. We are a FAMILY of two. We are DINK's. (Dual Income No Kids) Maybe the DINK life isn't so bad? ;)
Let yourself move to the next chapter in life when the time comes. Don't remain stuck on the same page.
My worth is not determined by having children.