Tuesday, October 29, 2013

You don't get over it. You just get through it.

"You don't get over it. You just get through it."
    That right there is some of the best advice I have received during this time. This is exactly what I needed to hear. Not : "Well, at least you know you can get pregnant. You can heal and start over." I wanted the baby we had tried for, for 4 years. (Yes, I like to put the 4 years part out there because that's a pretty darn long time to just "start over.")

I had my d&c today. I think the most painful part was the IV. My veins of course are small and stubborn. I was fortunate to get pricked several times. (Sarcasm) I think since I have practiced IV's during my cardiology course for tech school, knowing what to expect and knowing the most "painful" spots didn't help. The last thing I remember was being rolled down the hall and then I woke up feeling empty.

My friend told me I would feel this empty part of me. She was right. Everything we had worked hard for, hoped, prayed, and dreamed for 4 years about was gone. I had lost my baby 5 weeks ago but now after this surgery, he was gone. I no longer feel connected to that little baby I once had.

As my body is healing, all I can think about IS starting over. Wondering how long it is going to take for us to be blessed again and IF we will be blessed again. I keep trying to hang onto faith but sometimes, I get to a low point and I can't help but think "what if." I feel like my life is put on hold because it is revolved around having a baby of our own. That's how desperate we want to be parents to a baby we created together. But I believe once we have that little baby in our arms, we will be the BEST parents ever imagined because that baby has been wanted for a very long time and will be very loved.

"You don't get over it. You just get through it."